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Country=USA; Genres=Crime; ; duration=2 h, 32 minutes; writed by=Christopher Nolan; 9 of 10

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THIS THIS is the atmosphere DC should have, not trying to copy paste the happy Marvel Tony Stark atmosphere, this trilogy and man of steel did a great great job, shit, from a marvel fan boy. The way he punches the guy at the end reminds me of how you knock out thugs I. The Arkham games. Bruce :can any movie beat Dark Knight? Alfred : Neva.

The dark knight rises imdb. The dark knight trilogy.


This movie ending is amazing along with my favorite ending which is the one in Indiana Jones and the last crusade. 2 fantastic movies that truly will never leave my heart. They're a huge part of my childhood. The dark knight rises csfd. The dark knight full movie. What an ending and then there's why did u say that name. The dark knight wallpaper. “you sure it was him?” GOLD💀. The dark knight movie. How he left the more pointed of the two halves of the stick for the tryouts. The dark knight rises. @ 34:00 the best. This movie still remain the best DC movie of all time and Heath Ledger is still the best Joker this is the best acting I ever saw in my entire life.

1980: I am Your Father. 2008: Why So Serious. The dark night. The dark knight opening scene. The Dark knight frank. I'll be honest. I never would have thought. when I was watching the first films of Ledger as a kid that he had such a talent. The dark knight scene. What a satisfying ending, I love it. The reveals are everything, Robin, the missing pearls, the software patch which Bruce hinted at when Catwoman got him and Luscious Fox out of the prison, Gordon realizing Batman is still alive, the batcave, and the big smirk and smile in Alfred's eyes when he sees Bruce, his son is alive and well.🥰🤩. The dark knight online cz. The dark knight batman. The dark knight joker. The dark knight returns. The dark knight torrent. The dark knight amc.

The dark knight interrogation scene. The Dark knight news. The Dark knightley. Christian bale should have played in justice league I swear smh 🤦🏾‍♂️. The dark night of the soul. The dark knight csfd. The Dark knight agency. When Devo threw out the detonator was a great scene. The dark knight rises soundtrack. Imagine if he got a solo movie If he had more screen time he would affect cinema more than he already has. The Dark knights. The dark knight netflix. The dark knight watch. Somewhere in the game universe Joker :I will use assassin batsy, that's mine! Batman :no problem pal, I am a tank player! Joker ! Wait, seriously.

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2:42 - “Molossus” part. The Dark knight. The dark knight rises theme. The dark knight rises movie. The dark knight rises trailer. The best scene in the movie. The dark knight rises opening scene. The dark knight cast. I remember being in the cinema watching this scene and when the lights went off, the place went oooooo because they knew what was about to happen and i'll never forget the shot when you see Batman emerge out of darkness for the first time in 8 years and he takes out one of the thugs on the motorcycle, the whole place just exploded into massive cheers 0:27 I'll also never forget the goosebumps i felt when i heard the dark knight music playing as he was driving through the tunnel on his batpod. It was an unbelievable moment.

Undoubtedly, best Batman and Joker of all time,hats off to this movie. Can we all just take a moment to appreciate Hans Zimmer too. Phenomenal. The dark knight rises full movie. LOOK AT ME that was the monster inside joker. The dark knight ending. The Dark knight rises. The dark knight rises netflix. The dark knight vs bane. Short Answer: The Joker.

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The dark knight ost.


I wonder what Joker does in his free time. Does he live in an apartment and casually recruit street punks? Does he wear that makeup all the time? Does he go shopping and buy food every once in a while, which I guess he really likes candies... I always wondered who passed the try outs. The dark knight rises bane.





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